Welcome, Money Culture disruptors and astrology enthusiasts!
Welcome to Politics & Pentacles from Rebellious Resources!
I’m your host Rayna, and I’m a financial inclusion advocate and educator who is disrupting Money Culture.
Why Money Culture?
Oh, so many reasons! I have a Mercury in Taurus and have been a freelancer and small business owner for over 20 years. There's a party in my 8th (Aries, Venus, and South Node) and 2nd (Pluto, Uranus, and North Node) Houses - I came here to transform the money game!
Speaking of transformation, I’m a Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Virgo Rising - a mutable trifecta! Change is literally in my astrological DNA, but that doesn’t mean it has been easy. I have spent my life rebelling against a system that is designed for only a few to succeed. Now it’s time to show you how to do the same damn thing.
About Politics & Pentacles
In this community, we’ll be diving into the economics and astrology behind the current and historical political events that shape our resources, values, and financial access. What do politics have to do with financial access? EVERYTHING! Hindsight allows us to more clearly see the series of choices that led to fortune or ruin.
History has so many lessons to offer about how to navigate the cycle of change and make better decisions than were made before. Astrology is reliably calculated, providing a wonderful overlay to historical events where we can glean patterns and add context to the political energy of the time. With any luck, that helps us see these patterns as they begin to show up again.
It’s okay if you’re not familiar with how astrology works. We’ll break down the concepts and illustrate how they manifest themselves with real-life examples. If the “woo” is not for you, that’s okay. There will still be a lot of “WOW! I didn’t know that!”
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